Sintesi delle fonti sui meccanismi di mercato approvati nella COP29  

The most recent work plan of the SBM (currently from SBM014)

Information regarding the prioritization of methodological work elements from SBM010, which lists (a) priority methodological products; (b) products needed for activities involving removals; (c) revision of CDM methodologies and tools needed for CDM projects and PoAs transitining to Article 6.4;

The work plan of the MEP (approved at SBM011)
Meeting reports of the MEP, which outline the status of their work:
Various calls for input published by the SBM and the MEP, which give a better idea of maturity of the documents under consideration (any proposed product will go through a global stakeholder consultation before approval):
Baseline setting standard, the most recent and still ongoing:
Additionality standard (pre-SBM014 decisions):

So far the SBM has been following approach to development of methodologies and methodological tools but a approach where methodologies are proposed to the SBM is also possible:

Until there are new approved 6.4 methodologies, there can be no genuinely new 6.4 projects. The first 6.4 activities therefore will likely be transitioning CDM projects and PoAs. So far there are 9 where transition has been approved by the Host Party.

Source: Linkedin post di Olga Gassan-zade (a nome proprio e non dell'organizzazione che presiede)

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